Social Media Guide
6 rules to building a social media page
Everyone knows how to create a social media page for themselves. It’s about as quick and easy as it gets.
Building one for your small business can be a little trickier, however. To get the kind of reach you’re after, it’ll take more than just creating an account and slapping on a logo.
Here are a few tips that’ll help your business page stand out from the crowd:
Rule 1: Do your homework
Before diving in, it’s crucial to ask yourself these 3 key questions:
Who are you talking to?
What does your audience care about?
How does your audience use social media?
Keeping these at the forefront of your mind will help keep your profile robust and focused.
Rule 2: Choose your networks wisely
There are plenty of social media platforms out there, but you’ll want to focus on one or two for starters.
Facebook: With more than 2 million active daily users in NZ, having a Facebook presence is a must.
Instagram: Works well if you have a visual or tangible product. Perfect for showcasing and storytelling.
LinkedIn: Professional focus makes it a great fit for B2B companies and networking.
Snapchat: Gets high engagement with younger audiences. Gives your content an ‘authentic’, in-the-moment appeal.
Twitter: Great tool for staying in-the-know, joining in on a conversation or finding problems your business can solve.
YouTube: Works well if your products or services translate well into interesting video content.
Whatever platforms you choose, be intentional and strategic.
Rule 3: Stick to one visual style
Visual branding matters. Whatever look your brand is going for, own it.
Stick to a small palette of colours
Use only 1-2 few typefaces
Have one graphical style
Your profile should be consistent in the way it looks and feels so that people instantly recognise where the content is coming from.
Rule 4: Find your voice
More than 80% of consumers like seeing brand personality on Facebook (according to Sprout Index Q2, 2017), making it a good place to generate brand love for your small business.
How you communicate should always be true you and your company.
Language. Topics. Content. It should reflect the culture, purpose and ‘voice’ of your business, while also feel at home on the platform.
Rule 5: Get the little details right
The devil’s in the details. Don’t let your profile be undermined by seemingly minor oversights. You’ll want to:
Craft a great bio that’s clear and concise.
Make sure your locations and work hours are up-to-date.
Have your contact numbers and links up
Check for typos and wording errors.
Rule 6: Reach your audience
Starting out, it’ll be difficult to get clicks, views and follows on your profile right away. Try putting $5 or $10 into boosting your posts, which will get it in front of more people. This could get you the reach to kick start your momentum.