6 tips to maximise LinkedIn for your business

When it comes to building your business, don’t underestimate the power of your own network. LinkedIn is a great tool for connecting not only with people you already know, but with others in your industry who may be able to offer you valuable advice. It can also be a great tool for potential customers to learn more about you and your business. 

Here are six suggestions on how to get the most out of your LinkedIn presence. 

1. Optimise, optimise, optimise

To keep your audience growing and boost relevancy in search results, you should be optimising your company’s page. This includes adding things like keywords that people might use to search for your company into the About or Overview section of your profile, and including links to your official website. At the bare minimum, make sure that sections like your company’s address, industry, official URL and country and city are up to date, as pages with complete information are more discoverable by users. 

2. Sharing is caring

When you share updates, whether it’s articles about industry news and events, or promoting an upcoming sale, it boosts your page’s relevancy and ensures your page shows up in search results. Find the right frequency of sharing that works for you, whether it’s once a day or a few times per week and try to stick to it. 

3. Utilise your team

Encourage your staff to follow the company page and list your company as their place of work if they aren’t already. If you’re lost for ideas on how to generate content, ask your staff in anyone would be interested in penning an opinion piece about their view on an industry topic. It’s a great way to not only get content for your page, but to build credibility as a business and an employer. 

4. Don’t forget about photos and videos

According to LinkedIn, custom image collages, or about 3-4 images shared in one post, perform really well in terms of getting people’s attention. Video is even better, as the average attention span means that most people skim over content for mere seconds before moving on or sinking in. 

5. Keep tabs on what’s happening in your industry

It sounds like a no-brainer, but utilising LinkedIn as a way to keep an eye on competitors and their content, as well as what leading minds in your industry are working on, is an easy way to keep up. Search for those thought leaders and influencers in your field, or those people who just inspire you, so your feed is always full of relevant content for you. Search for hashtags and follow them to be updated on conversations happening relating to your industry. 

6. Assess your personal brand

While it’s important that your company’s page is up-to-date, don’t neglect your personal profile. Let colleagues and potential customers get to know you by including things like a professional headshot, a background on your history in the summary section, and examples of your company’s work. You can still get a professional looking headshot without breaking the bank, leaving your house or resorting to selfies. Some pointers: find natural light without any dark shadows on your face, use a tripod or a stable surface like a desk or bookshelf, frame the shot from the chest up and look straight into the camera. LinkedIn has a great personal brand checklist that you can use to keep your profile in check.