Fantail & Turtle
Travis Field and James Wakefield
Who you are and what type of business do you own?
Travis Field, owner, and James Wakefield, GM - Fantail & Turtle, a bar and eatery that is all about bringing people together and creating community. We're at Goodside, Smales Farm.
What was the first thing you did when you realised the pandemic was about to affect your business?
Let our staff know that they would be ok
Let our suppliers know that they were going to be paid
Talked to my bank!
What are you doing right now that you weren’t doing a month ago?
Operating! We have to behave a bit differently with contact tracing, but we are so happy to be hosting our manuhiri (guests/customers) again.
What challenges are you concerned about in the weeks and months ahead?
The wellbeing (health, emotional, and financial) of our staff, suppliers, manuhiri, community.
What opportunities do you see coming out of this situation?
That people are kinder, friendlier and more caring and supporting towards each other. A growth in support for small, local, family owned and owner/operated businesses. We think we're already seeing that.
How can the community support your business?
Consciously decide which businesses you are going to support with your valuable spend. Whether that's us or another independent, owner-operated local bar. Damaris Coulter's initiative The Realness World is a great resource to find them - @therealnessworld &
When you spend your entertainment dollar with us, know that you support a family business who looks after its staff, customers, and buys almost entirely from other small NZ suppliers.
Ngā Mihi,
James Wakefield
General Manager
Fantail & Turtle - Bar, Eatery, Community Brewery
Address: Smales Farm, 72 Taharoto Rd, Takapuna Auckland
Phone: 09 486 0644
Email: [email protected]