FAS Paint Super Tempera Fluoro 250ml


FAS Paint Super Tempera Fluoro 250ml
  • FAS Paint Super Tempera Fluoro 250ml

FAS Paint Super Tempera Fluoro 250ml


Save $11 for every $100 you spend up to $2000 | Online Only Conditions Apply
Save $11 for every $100 you spend up to $2000. Online only, valid from Monday 4th November to Tuesday 5th November 2024, unless otherwise stated or while stocks last. Excludes: all services, Fotofinish, WS Print, Printicular, insurance policies, freight, hireage, repairs, donations, gift vouchers, Schooltex, prepaid postal, all technology, ink & toner, Cricut, discounted office furniture, and clearance. Promotions in this email are not available with trade terms, clearance products, special quotations, or in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Savings are measured against normal retail prices. We reserve the right to restrict the purchase of commercial quantities. Some products and promotions may not be available in all stores.
Conditions Apply

Save $11 for every $100 you spend up to $2000 | Online Only

Save $11 for every $100 you spend up to $2000. Online only, valid from Monday 4th November to Tuesday 5th November 2024, unless otherwise stated or while stocks last. Excludes: all services, Fotofinish, WS Print, Printicular, insurance policies, freight, hireage, repairs, donations, gift vouchers, Schooltex, prepaid postal, all technology, ink & toner, Cricut, discounted office furniture, and clearance. Promotions in this email are not available with trade terms, clearance products, special quotations, or in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Savings are measured against normal retail prices. We reserve the right to restrict the purchase of commercial quantities. Some products and promotions may not be available in all stores.

Offer Ends: 12/11/2024
Offer Ends: 12/11/2024
Offer Ends: 12/11/2024

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Product Description: Product Description
FAS Paint Super Tempera 250ml Fluoro Blue Blue 250ml
FAS Paint Super Tempera 250ml Fluoro Blue Blue 250ml
Item No: 9418308003967
Item No: 9418308003967
Product Description
FAS Paint Super Tempera 250ml Fluoro Blue Blue 250ml
Item No: 9418308003967

Features & Benefits

  • Bright bold colour
  • Easy clean up
  • Gluten free
  • Bright bold colour
  • Easy clean up
  • Gluten free

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